Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's Not the End of the World: Fav Movie Music Moment #2

How fucking badass was Fight Club when it first came out? Still is. It made me alter my perception on what it means to be a sane human being. For instance, how much crazy does one person need to improve the quality of their life? Is sanity actually the sinister, and ultimately detrimental force at work? Does our conscience inhibit our potential? Though I probably should not have indulged my brain as much, applying actual life philosophy to any movie that Brad Pitt is in - no matter how much Edward Norton compensated - I will go on record to say that Fight Club's ending remains flawless. Jack tells Marla "Everything is going to be fine... You met me at a very strange time in my life," as they hold hands and watch the entire sprawling metropolis destruct. Cue The Pixies' "Where is My Mind" as the apocolyptic coda surges. Beautiful, in a single description.

I am amazed by any director that can make my skin crawl with utter morbidity, inspiring simultaneous thoughts of disgust and comfort. Director David Fincher is so talented he can make me watch the world destruct with a smile.

Super Furry Animals - It's Not the End of the World? [mp3]

Sidenote: Fincher and Brad Pitt teamed up again to work on The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, recently nominated for 13 Oscars. Coincidance? I think not.

Peace, Love, and wanting Edward Norton to be my valentine,

P.S. I totally broke the first rule of Fight Club.

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