If you don't already frequent Sheena Beaston, then you are depriving your life, and your iPod of guaranteed stellar-ness. Here's the freshest from Sheena I just can't get enough of: the Nite Cell's reworking of LtK's latest anthem, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Heads Will Roll."
Did I mention I'm also LOVIN' on the latest from Rye Rye? Featuring producer, mentor, and mamma (not hers) M.I.A, this track is so hot I just admitted my eardrums to the ER for third degree burns. That made a lot more sense in my head.
It's time for Lydia's Plea for Something Pretty: A Yamaha Tenori-On. I'm lovin' on it. I want it. I'm selfish. We're in an economic recession and I'm still considering spending hard-earned dollars ($999 of them) on this amazing piece of electronica. Although the hardware (and certainly the price tag) renders the Tenori-On a serious piece of instrumentation, there's plenty of room for newbies like yours truly to pick up electro-composition. You may have seen Little Boots rocking out to one, like in her YouTube cover of Hot Chip's "Ready for the Floor" below.
Or maybe just like me, skematics are enough to get you hot. Like this one.
Did someone turn up the heat in here? Good gracious, the mercury is rising...
It's only fair I get to gush a little about my all too short Spring Break (Arrested Development fans, this is where Kitty would enter and flash us all). The theme of my Mexican vaca you ask? Like a Boss. With a little help from Andy Samberg and The Lonely Island, the six of us girls found adding that sentiment to even the most simplistic of actions can transform the mundane into extraordinary.
It's been a busy month for me, and thus a dry one on the post front. I just got back from glorious Spreak (Spring Break) in California and Mexico. And better yet, I lived to tell the tale. Since I love lists here's a few to catch us both up.
2. Metric - Gimme Sympathy (Emily Haines competes with Karen O for my ultimate girl crush. But seriously, who would you rather be... The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?)
2. The Knack - My Sharona (From the gas station dance scene in Reality Bites)
3. Paul Simon - Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard (From riding on the garbage truck/go-kart racing scene in the AMAZING Wes Anderson film, The Royal Tenenbaums)
4. The Zombies - The Way I Feel Inside (It's been a Wes Anderson week; here The Life Aquatic)
Just a few words honored guests... MP3s or MP3 links are posted for sampling purposes only, and therefore are only available for a limited time. If anyone needs a link removed, email me at lcruz09@cmc.edu, and I will remove it immediately.
If you like what you hear on Umbrellas, I encourage you to support these worship-worthy artists by buying their tunes, merch, and all-out stalking them if a restraining order should not prevent you.
If you are in a band, or represent an artist looking to get a little free hype/promotion, feel free to e-mail me your tracks as well. I'm all ears.