Saturday, April 5, 2008

To Love and Despise Kimya Dawson

Juno fans listen up. Moldy Peaches fans get in on this too. We all know Kimya Dawson is adorable; as part of MP and the musical inspiration for the Juno soundtrack (handpicked by Ellen Page) of course we've been exposed to some of her music. Of course we love it. But is it possible, and hear me out, that we can sometimes DESPISE it too?! When I first picked up the Juno tunes, I found myself enjoying Kimya's childlike songs immensely, but only after separating her tracks from the others by The Kinks, Mott the Hoople, Cat Power, Buddy Holly and the rest. There is absolutely no easy flow between the sounds of classics like "A Well Respected Man" and Kimya's honest attempt at pregnant-teenage-sixteen-year-old theme music.

I thought I was crazy there for awhile, rocking my two separate Juno playlists. The soundtrack was number one on itunes for weeks, and is one of 2008's top sellers so far. It's not that I don't appreciate Kimya, cause I love her. And though I can only take her music in small doses, I consider her a brilliantly heartfelt lyricist. Finally I came across this review from Jim and Greg over at Chicago Public Radio's famous Sound Opinions. They reviewed the album and both gave it a thumbs down, mentioning the same complaint with lack of continuity that I described. Though I don't agree with their assessment of the movie (I LOVED it) or their "trash it" ratings, I think they've got some valid complaints. Someone did drop the ball on making this record seamless. Judge for yourselves.

My favorite Kimya song unfortunately doesn't appear on this album. Check out "You Love Me" on itunes or Rhapsody. It's more accessible and less tiresome than some of her other songs. I love it.

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