Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Waiting for a War

Waiting for a war... that's what its like at work now. With everyone leaving the store before shit hits the fan, shit is pretty much hitting the fan anyway. So I'm holding my breath until the Spanish bombs away.

It's time for a little thing we like to call two weeks notice. And I'm not talking about a romantic comedy staring Sandra Bullock and Hugh "Ladies don't notice that I make the same movie because I'm British" Grant. I'm talking about sweet sweet freedom people! The kind that starts with going back to school and ends with the indentured servitude that is S**cks. (I don't even want to advertise for them on here)

Here's to my official resignation letter which finds its way into my boss's hands tomorrow! So long Howard Schultz, or HoScho as we call the billionaire tyc around the watercooler. I never met you, but I'll miss you're heart of business gold. And your green tea lattes; those are just plain delicious.

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