Friday, September 19, 2008

Movie Theme

How cliche has it become girls, to claim you were a tomboy growing up? To say you have all these friends that are guys, you love action movies, playing video games, cranking Rage Against the Machine and Tool, etc, etc, blah blah blah. Well no broken record intended, but in my case it's all true. Growing up with an older brother and definitely more of my dad's personality than my mom's, I'm just thankful that I realized at some point, I was in fact a girl. As a kid, Bond movies were a household staple. Connery was feeding five thousand away from god status, Roger Moore made himself a reasonable stand-in, Timothy Dalton made me laugh unintentionally more times than I can count, and Pierce just looked pretty. When Daniel Craig slid in for Brosnan in Casino Royale, the series seemed to return to its former glory, sans a little Sean charisma. Although the unbelievable special effects are a little bit much for me at times (see the opening chase scene of Casino), Daniel is just so freaking gorgeous I let it go.

Music wise, 007 has been on a bit of a rollercoaster as well. Sheryl Crow, Madonna, Moby, and most recently Chris Cornell (with Casino Royale's "You Know My Name") have all contributed to Bond themes over the years. Now Jack White and Alicia Keys can add their names to the star-studded list, as their cacophonous rock/bluesy duet, "Another Way to Die" has exploded across the blogosphere. I wasn't a fan at all of the last Raconteurs album, but if anything this entirely redeems Jack in my eyes. What a choice collaboration - it only makes me more hyped for the new film.

Quantum of Solace hits theaters November 14, 2008.

Peace, Love, and Absolutely handsome guys named Daniel,

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